
Last Step !

After everyone's attention and efforts,we are going to post it on social platform and share to you all! It's been long time coming and it will be a exhilarating news to us because we have worked hard on preparing our video which is including pre-production ,production and post-production.

In the progress of shooting this two videos ,we have some argument when we were discussing because both of us have different opinion but we will make a best decision in the end and amend it accordingly.

Other than that ,we will post our videos via social media which is Instagram and Facebook !
Hope you guys can give us a lot of support with Likes and Share our video !
We will truly thanks with appreciated !

Hope you all have a nice day :)

Stay tuned of our updates ! 

>>>> Instagram : team_6688


  1. I'm waiting for it too long ! hope can see the video as soon as possible !

  2. I think it's a unforgettable memories for you . Keep going on !

  3. Keep it up ! Will always support you guys!

  4. Finally is coming out! ! FULLL support to you guys!!!!!!!!

  5. finally !! omg !! remember to post your link at blog for us to see !





We had already created our new account and designed a logo for it. What do you guys think about that ? welcome to comment and let us know! But the most important thing is remember to follow our new account  >>> team_6688 Stay tuned for our updates !

TEAM 6688

Why we choose TEAM 6688 as our team name?  We did many discussion before we decided Team 6688 as our team name.All of us think that this name will become a motivation for us to achive our goal.The goal of us come from a simple and clear thought which is win the cash prizes(RM6688) from the JETMASTER's competition.  We will work hard and try our best to shot a creative and funny one minute video to attract public audience. LET'S ROCK  ! ! !


We went to take our JETMASTER HIGH PRESSURE on Monday . We can take it although it is heavy. The first day (2019.06.11) Tuesday We started our first filming (story 2) : We were discussing before we started to shoot the video. The second day (2019.06.12) Wednesday This is our first time for shooting a horror video .Therefore, it is a big challenge to us when we were filming this video. We had met a lot of difficulties but we tried hard to solve it one by one. The actors was making up in order to look good in the video. Thanks for reading our blog ! Stay tuned to our updates !